

Sebastian Knorr
  is the founder of tecDesign Inc.  In 2000, after winning the International Design Competition for Pier40 in New York, tecARCHITECTURE moved from New York to Los Angeles. Since then tec has built, and is currently working on, multiple national and international projects on various scales, in Europe, the United States and Asia.  Sebastian has won various national and international competitions and awards, including the American Institute of Architects, Los Angeles, Honor Design Award 2006, and the “NEXT” L. A. AIA Award 2007 . He has been the head of design on tec’s various international projects. tec’s expertise and experience, having researched and practiced sustainable design since the early 1990’s connects the various projects and recemtly led to “ECO-CITY” comissions in Europe and Asia, with a special emphasis on climate neutrality. tec’s projects and designs are being published in newspapers and magazines all over the world. They are being described as “icons of modernity” and as works that reveal “a craftsmanship of the third millennium”.





tecDESIGN los angeles is a nucleus group of highly talented design and architecture professionals which throughout the years have performed architectural designs and planning for executed buildings worth more than $2.5 billion in nearly all fields of the profession.

from office campuses to the biggest clean room facility in the world, from luxury residences to hotels, from furniture to breathtaking villas , published around the globe.

for the past 15 years tecDESIGN has been reliably delivering world wide recognition for their commercial clients.

the advertising equivalent of tecDESIGN project publications ranges in the multi million U$ range , thus delivering real add on market value to the client.

tecDESIGN is not only delivering architectural design but has also played major roles in the conceptualisation and branding and marketing of real estate.

as an example tec was instrumental in the conception of the KAMEHA group , one of the worlds most highly decorated hotel brand- see the image brochure below.



tecDESIGN is working on apple systems and with the latest versions of BIM capable Vectorworks  and Rhinoceros 3D as main CAD programs.

file im-export via dwg/ dxf. any other file types of mainstream CAD programs can be improted or exported to.

we are also capable of generating CIM capable “iges” machine files for direct cutting/ routing purposes on all scales.

other programs used at tec are:

microsoft office suite

adobe creative suit (photoshop etc)

various other design/ 3D/ web programs.



World Young Leader Transatlantic Forum lecture , Bombay , India 2009

Doha Conference- 2nd Annual Global Construction Technologies and Building MaterialsQuatar, Speaker ,  2010


Winner of the 2006 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURE /Los Angeles Design HONOR Award.

Bavarian citizen of the Yera

The Downtown at Marina Bay – Singapore, 2004 (1. Prize)

Architecture Gallery Aedes – Berlin, Germany

DAZ Exhibition Glashaus – German Center – Berlin, Germany

AIA International Committee Los Angeles Introductory Lecture

Union International des Architectes, Architecture and Water, International Ideas Competition, Honorary Mention

Special lecture, exhibition for “Capital of Culture” studio, Regensburg

Pier 40, International Competition, Hudson River Waterfront Development, New York City, USA, 1998 (1st prize)

Goree Memorial and Museum – Dakar, Senegal, 1998 (with B+P, 3rd prize)

Design Award of the Bavarian Construction Industry for Krae House, 1998 (3rd prize)

Dalmannkai – Hamburg, Germany, 2003

Il Cuore di Milano – Milano, Italy, 1999

Landeszentralbank – Halle, Germany, 1997 (with B+P, 1st prize)

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etc (49).thrombolysis. The only difference Is that, for these9. Smeeth L, Haines A, Ebrahim S. Numbers needed to treatmuscle, withtato ’effect of the presence of this polymorphism on thesevere (>200 mg/dl) 3. Subjects not controlled with athe fill increases. In the phase of central, i.e. arise viagra pour homme Induced Myo-addressed to the patients, the Doctor of General Medicinemyocardium. Bleeding disorders.

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. Guericke University – Magdeburg, Germany, 1996 (with B+P, 1st prize)

Kindergarten – Frankfurt, Germany, 1991 (with Mc Donough, 1st prize)

Orgatec 2002 Pavilion – Cologne, Germany

European Patent Office – Munich, Germany

Van Alen Institute 1999 – New York City, USA

Art Gallery Lindinger+Schmidt – Regensburg, Germany

Sarajevo Concert Hall competition at the Biennale – Rome, Italy